Lighting campfires

Lighting of campfires is not allowed in the Nature Reserve Areas (Zone I) and regulated within the rest of the forested areas. They are only allowed between November 1 to April 30, and provided that:
The vegetation within a radius of at least 2 meters from the campfire has been cleared.
The minimum distance of the fire from the surrounding forrest/scrubland must be at least 10 meters. The fire pit must be enclosed within a stone circle.
Ensure that there is a sufficient quantity of water at hand to extinguish a fire.
A lit campfire should never be left unattended. If leaving the area the fire should be extinguished.
Between May 1 and October 31, lighting campfires is only permitted within specifically designated areas.
In general, avoid lighting fires, but if it is necessary please be careful and make certain it is fully extinguished before you leave. Please clean up and deposit any waste into trashcans, usually located within or on the outskirts of any village.


Vehicle ToursRiver fishing
Hikking - TrekkingCollecting herbs and flowers
Water Sports (Rafting, Kayaking etc.)Mushroom collecting
ClimbingCamping- RVing/Motor Caravan Parking
PhotographyLighting campfires